Monday, September 12, 2005

Sweet taters and where I am.

Got my first white sweet potatoes this past weekend, got my sister her irises (lots of them). Cleaned the upper fields, and all the way to the highway along both sides of the road--things look very sharp. The everbearing strawberries continue to show themselves--I can't wait until next year.

We need some rain, so if this doesn't happen I will have to water some this weekend--particularly the garlic, June strawberries, and asparagus--I want to miracle grow the asparagus this weekend, after a light cultivation as well. The everbearers are mulched.

General Cleaning
Try as I might, it seems that obstacles come from some abstract place that lives to create obstacles. I need to clean the house next door awfully bad. And simple junk needs to be hauled off.

I need to get the drying oak out of there and free up that space as a work/prep site--it's just too much in the right place not to do so. Take the oak to the Akers house.