Monday, August 22, 2005

2005 Garden Season

This year was like every other year unique--some things flourished, some did ok, and some struggled.


We installed two new strawberry patches, each with 50 plants. Both are looking very good and healthy. One is June bearing, the other ever bearing. The everbearers because of the extent we babied them gave a crop the first year, and we have enjoyed several cobblers already. The June bearers are very very healthy as well. The matured patch (3 years) gave us about a gallon and a half, and will be redone in the spring.


I added about 40 Jersey Knight Crowns, following the book closely. Thank you Scott Walker of Jersey Knight Asparagus Farms for putting up with my continuous questions. The plants are healthy, very healthy, and next year we will get to do a light harvest on the new ones, and a heavier harvest on the existing Martha Washingtons. My neighbor also took about ten of the Jersey's and got them a small patch started.


We had a bumper crop though some of it was a little smaller because of where it was planted. Nonetheless, there was plenty full-sized healthy plants to both consume and make seeds from, as well as share with several people to get them started!.... (that's the beauty of gardening)


Bumper crop

Onions from Seed

A keeper--Bumper Crop.


A keeper--Bumper Crop.


A keeper--Bumper Crop.

Raspberries Gold

The plants went far in establishing themselves this first season, even teasing us with a few for taste testing.

Raspberries Red

Near total failure. Concerning red raspberries, I'm sure Lucy has been holding the football at this point. Consequently, I'm pulling back for now until such time as I can baby them like they appear to need babied.

Potatoes--post rotation

Was having a problem with a fungus--moved them this year--probelm solved.. Bumper crop.


See entry above.

White Sweet Potatoes

Still making, but the vines are very healthy.


Hit and miss.

beans, peas, squash, kolarabi

bumper crops. The kolarabi are awesome--keeper.


bumper crop--new harvest technique worked flawlessly.


hit and miss... one tree nada, one tree loaded.


sufficent--could've done better in sunnier spot.

Cantaloupe and Watermelon

ok but not as good as last year. need to redo patches.


nearly total failure. I think gas got in the row from the weed eater. no big deal--we didn't use what we put up from last year.


The 'granny' tree once again showed it's stuff, the new one was a little disappointing.


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